Welcome to Kings Court English College House

Welcome to Kings Court English College House
(KCECH - pronounced K-Check)!

Check out our FRESHMAN FAQ PAGE for useful links about the House, including floor plans, info on our program communities, suggestions about what to bring and what to discuss with your future roommates, and a rundown of some of our traditional events. Be sure to check the links, and contact us with any questions! 

We are thrilled to have you as part of our vibrant and diverse community. KCECH is more than just a place to live; it's a place where you can thrive academically, socially, and personally during your time at Penn.

As a resident of KCECH, you have the opportunity to engage in a variety of programs and activities that will enhance your college experience. Whether you're interested in the environmental Biosphere program, the geeky Science and Technology Wing, the Women in Computer Science Program, the international Huntsman Program, or the artsy Perspectives in Humanities program, or the thought-provoking SNF Paideia's "Common Ground" Program, there is something for everyone. Our faculty members are dedicated to fostering an inclusive and intellectually stimulating environment where residents can grow and learn together.

Located in a central location, KCECH offers convenience and easy access to your classes, no matter which school you're in. With a short 12-minute walk to your first class, you'll have more time to explore campus, connect with friends, and engage in extracurricular activities.

We take pride in our green initiative at KCECH. From the environmentally-friendly construction of our rooftop balcony, designed to absorb and channel water away from the roof, to the award-winning garden in our courtyard, we strive to create a sustainable living environment. We believe in taking care of our planet while creating a beautiful and comfortable space for our residents.

And let's not forget about the in-house dining hall! Just like Hill College House, KCECH has its own dining hall, ensuring that you won't have to go far to find delicious and nutritious meals when your schedule gets busy.

If you're eager to learn more about your housing options, we invite you to visit our web page designed specifically for you. There, you'll find valuable information and resources to help you make the most of your time at KCECH.

Once again, welcome to Kings Court English College House. Get ready for an incredible journey filled with opportunities, friendships, and personal growth. We can't wait to see all that you will accomplish during your time here.