SNF Paideia "Common Ground" Program Community: Expression in Practice

Discover the transformative power of open dialogue and the wealth of diverse perspectives within the vibrant community of Common Ground. Located within KCECH College House and in partnership with the SNF PaideiaProgram at Penn, this innovative initiative is tailored for first-year students, dedicated to fostering an inclusive space for discourse and dialogue across differences. Drawing upon Penn’s rich diversity, Common Ground brings together a passionate cohort of students, each contributing unique insights and experiences. Here, the aim is to learn, grow, and collectively shape the future of dialogue.

Engage in biweekly dinner discussions featuring captivating topics that explore a wide spectrum, from through-provoking conversations about religion and morality to whimsical debates about the artistic essence of toilets. Previous sessions courageously tackled complexities like bipartisan marriages and climate change. Common Ground fosters free and open discussions, inviting exploration and diverse perspectives. This is all tied in with exciting field trips, nurturing enduring connections among a global community of students.

At Common Ground, our doors are open to all. We celebrate the diversity of backgrounds and perspectives that everyone brings, creating a civil space where everyone finds their place and expresses their voice.

To Apply to this Program: Submit a housing application and list this program as one of your top two choices. You're required to submit a short statement regarding your interest in the program as part of the Program Community application process. Follow the prompt as indicated in the application. You can also visit the Course Community page(link is external) for additional information.