Theater Outing - LOVE UNPUNISHED


Theater Outing with Rosemary Malague 
Sat. 9/11, 2pm | Depart at 12:45PM
Prince Theater at 14th and Chestnut Street

Faculty Fellow Rose Malague invites you to see LOVE UNPUNISHED, a one-hour experimental theatre piece in Center City that deals with 9/11 on the twentieth anniversary. The show is at 2:00 pm and is one hour long; they are implementing safety measures and require vaccination proof.

Tickets are free, first-come, first served! Email Rose if interested.

Details HERE.

We will meet outside the front door of English House at 12:45 pm and walk through Center City to the Prince Theater at 14th and Chestnut Street.


Saturday September 11th, 2021 12:45 PM to 3:00 PM