Guided tour to exhibition "The Stories We Wear" (Penn Museum)


Oh, those snickers that make you feel so special every time you wear them!  Your lucky bracelet you must wear to take an exam or to go to an important event!  As the Penn Museum says in its presentation to the exhibition The Stories We Wear, “The clothing, accessories, and decorations we put on our bodies tell stories about who we are.  They shape how others see us and how we see ourselves [...] Discover a spectacular array of attire, jewelry, uniforms, regalia, and tattoos.  Explore common threads woven throughout stories that transcend language, culture, and time.”

If you have not yet had the chance to visit the exhibition, this is your opportunity!  Or if you went to the Museum gala, but want to delve deeper into the stories that our clothes tell!  We invite you to come with us, Óscar and Lidia, this Sunday 10/03 at 11 am to a guided tour into this fascinating trip of “2,500 years of style and adornment through approximately 250 remarkable objects.  The Stories We Wear reveals how clothing and accessories offer powerful expressions of identity —examining the purpose and meaning behind what we wear”.  

We are leaving at 10:40 am from the main door of KCECH (the tour starts at 11:00 am). Please RSVP because we have a limited number of spots available. (Email Óscar Montoya or Lidia León And don’t forget to bring your Penn ID!


Sunday October 3rd, 2021 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM