Banned Books Week: Visiting Storyteller - Marta Rivas-Olmeda

Tuesday September 28th, 2021 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM

Tuesday September 28th, 2021 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM

Banned Books Week is September 26 - October 2. Every year, to mark the influence and history of censorship in repressing diverse voices, Lauder College House invites someone who has a commitment to uplifting the voices of the voiceless and communicating stories that are in danger of remaining untold to serve as our Visiting Storyteller.

This year we welcome Marta Rivas Olmeda--Residential Faculty in KCECH and Stouffer, gardener, mother and scholar. Join her for a free-ranging conversation about the experience of being a Latinx woman living on Penn's campus, why gardens matter for community building, emotional health and wellbeing, and how to ensure that your voice is heard.

Dinner will be served and space is strictly limited so make sure to sign up using the QR code on our flyer below or using this link: