Room Reservations

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  1. Requests by house members to reserve a space for a floor or a house event take precedence over any other requests from outside organizations at no fee.
  2. A request will be considered for approval if submitted at least three business days before the event takes place.
  3. Users are responsible for checking their email to see if their requests have been approved. No reservation is final until approved by email.
  4. Kings Court English College House retains the right to cancel any reservation at any time when it sees a conflict with house events at any time.
  5. Groups are responsible for leaving the space the way they found it. 
  6. All University and KCECH policies must be respected.
  7. No reservation shall be given for an after 10 p.m event or before a 10 a.m event on any give day.
  8. Outside groups must request a reservation in-person at the house office (EH112A) and are approved on a trasactional basis, meaning the student group must provide a programmatic related service for our residents in exchange for the space.
  9. No reservation for outside groups will be approved during reading days and final exam periods. 
  10. No reservations can be made for the PDR during dinner time.


  1. Users of KCECH will be held responsible for all behaviors and damages incurred during the period of occupancy.
  2. There must be in soliciting of any way, shape or form.
  3. All users of KCECH are expected to abide by all Residential Living rules and regulations as well as any applicable rules and regulations of the University of Pennsylvania.
  4. Rooms must be left in the exact condition in which they were found, whether in cleanliness, furniture organization, etc.
  5. The user must be present throughout the period of occupancy and is responsible for all people present during the occupancy.
  6. Users are expected to uphold the room capacity limitations and rules established by the Fire Marshall’s office.
  7. Alcohol is not permitted in any public space.
  8. Any breach of these rules and regulations will result in the immediate revocation of future reservation privileges.